Thursday 6 December 2018

Why You’re not Ranking #1 on Google

So you’re not where you want to be in the search engine ranking pages. Well in this post, I’ll be revealing why you’re not ranking #1 and how to actually do it. So first of all, you’re going to want to target a good keyword and what I mean by ‘good keyword’ is a keyword you can actually rank for. 

Ask yourself, is my domain strong enough to compete with the other domains? Analyse the competition and once you’ve done that and picked your target keyword, you can move on to the next step. And that’s understanding the user’s intent. What exactly is the user looking for? 

Are they looking to make a purchase? Maybe they want more information on a particular topic or product. Decide what the intent behind the keyword is. 

Hint: look at the the top 5 results for that keyword. 

Now you want to create you content and make sure it’s optimized for user experience. After this is done you want to do some on page SEO. Make sure the keyword is in the Titles and URL. Now you want to build some backlinks. If the post isn’t where you want to be in 3 month, most likely, the reason why you’re not ranking is because you need more backlinks.

Here are some backlinks that will give you giant pushes:



When I found out about Tumblr backlinks, I made sure to always include them in my link building campaigns because they really do give you massive ranking boosts. Go to Fiverr, purchase some PA 50 expired Tumblrs, put some content on them and link back to your site.

Web 2.0s

Web 2.0s are another great way to push your rankings dramatically. Web 2.0s are basically mini blogs. Things like blogger, WordPress, and Weebly. Make sure you purchase some expired web 2.0s and put up at least 3 posts on each web 2 property. Then link back to your site.

Guest post

So guest posting is reaching out to other webmasters and blogging on their site. This is extremely tough to do. If you’re doing email outreach to try and find guest posting opportunities… STOP! This won’t work. Here’s what you should do instead. Join Blogging related Facebook groups and ask if you could guest post for their sites.

And that’s how you would rank #1 on Google. Keep building backlinks.

For More About SEO, Check Out This Post:

Why You Should Stop Blogging

So you’re probably reading this and thinking, WTF, why’s he telling me to stop blogging? Well it’s pretty simple. Blogs are no where near as popular as they used to be. Over 99% of blogs fail.

Here’s what I want you to do, ask a bunch of people which blogs they read. So you know I’m right. None of your friends are saying, I like reading this person’s blog. Here’s what you should do instead.

Create YouTube videos

YouTube is the second biggest search engine in the world, right after Google. Let’s be real, the vast majority of people absorb their content through video and not text.

So what should you do? 

That’s right, you need to switch to video. Hop on video or get left behind. It’s as simple as that. Ranking on YouTube is much easier than ranking on Google. I can easily rank on the top 5 on

YouTube as soon as I hit publish. But that’s not the same case with ranking on Google. Now, you might be thinking YouTube is far too competitive but it’s really not. You can easily snipe some low competition keywords. EASILY!

The big YouTube channels don’t have the time nor resources to snipe off lower search volume keywords. They’re going for the big stuff. Whilst they’re doing this, you can easily rank for these keywords, bring in traffic and make sales. You’ll just be carving your little portion of the market.

SEO VS Paid Advertising

So this is an age old question and in this post I’m going to be giving my own opinion on the matter. SEO is ranking organically in the search engines. Paid advertising is contantly paying a platform to expose your product. Both have their pros and cons.


SEO is free to do but is extremely slow to bring in traffic. Don’t expect any traffic from Google for at least 6 months and don’t expect any significant rankings or sales for at least a year. And this is if you know what you’re doing. 

Yup, SEO is super slow. But once you’re up in the rankings, you can expect steady streams of traffic if you did the SEO the correct way and not spamming the internet. 

Paid advertising


With paid advertising you’re having to pay for every eye ball or click. Paid advertising is much easier to scale and calculate a return on investment. Expect to lose money with paid advertising before making a penny in return. But to be fair, if you want to make money, you need to be prepared to lose money. 

Once you stop feeding the platform money, your exposure stops.

If you want fast results, go with paid ads. If you want free traffic and don’t want to spend any money, go with SEO.